Woven boning like Rigelene 8mm wide (5/16 inch) Black

Sale price$7.00 CAD
Price Qty Qty Available
SKU: 15-8108-90-010M
10 meters
$7.00 4
SKU: 15-8108-90-25M
25 meters
$17.50 0
SKU: 15-8108-90-45M
45 Meters
$26.77 15
Woven boning like Rigelene 8mm wide (5/16 inch) Black
Woven bones are not strong enough for corsets. The cut ends will fray so be sure to order the bone caps that fit...you can use the 8mm or even the 6mm as they are a bit stretchy. And you can sew through these bone caps! Check out our Add Accessories for the bone caps. 

A discount of 15% is factored into the price of 45 meters