100% Polyester Double Sided Satin Ribbon, 8mm White (5/16 inch)

Sale price$6.00 USD
Price Qty Qty Available
SKU: 22-7208-01-5M
5 meters
$6.00 4
SKU: 22-7208-01-10M
10 meters
$11.00 12
SKU: 22-7208-01-20M
20 meters
$22.00 1
SKU: 22-7208-01-100M
100 meters
$77.00 0

This white double faced satin ribbon that's 8mm wide (approximately 5/16 inch) is a bit wider than our 6mm wide ribbon and fits the size 0 grommets well. It's strong enough to use as corset lacing and the sheen on both sides makes it pretty.

The background grid is 1/4" (6mm) squares.